HR-MAS x RMN de Alta Resolução para Pequenas Moléculas.
Comparing HR-MAS versus High resultion NMR for small molecules.
Results shown
The comparison of HR-MAS and High resultion spectra revials that the results obtained would be of good enough quality for quality control purposes.
Literature cited
The following literature references are used for this poster:
- Albers, M. J.; Butler, T. N.; Rahwa, I.; Boa, N.; Keshari, K. R.; Swanson, M. G.; Kurhanewicz, J.; Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2009, 61, 525.
- Bayet-Robert, M.; Loiseau, D.; Rio, P.; Demidem, a.; Barthomeuf, C.; Stepien, G.; Morvan, D.; Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2010, 63, 1172.
- Pileio, G.; Guo, Y.; Pham, T. N.; Griffin, J. M.; Levitt, M.; Brown, P.; Journal of the American Chemical Society 2007, 129, 10972.
- Thiele, C. M.; Magnetic Resonance Part A 2007, 30, 65.
- Yeboah, E.M.O.; Yeboah, S. O.; Singh, G. S.; Tetrahedron. 2011, 67, 1725.
The Poster