Diagnóstico de Dengue com RMN de Plasma de Sangue.
Diagnosing Dengue with NMR analysis of blood plasma.
Results shown
Multi-variance analysis via PCA was used on proton NMR spectra in an attempt to distinguish samples of people infected with Dengue from samples of healthy subjects. A distinction could be achieved with several different models, but is very dependent on the quality of the NMR spectra.
Literature cited
The following literature references are used for this poster:
- Brazilians Ministry of Health.
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- Zhang, GQ; Hirasaki, GJ; J. Magn. Reson. 2003, 163, 81.
- Lucas et al.; J. Pharmaceut. Biomed. 2005, 39, 156.
- Ramadan et al.; Talanta 2006, 68, 1683.
- Le Moyec et al.; NMR Biomed. 2005, 18, 421.
- Lenz et al.; J. Pharmaceut. Biomed. 2003, 33, 1103.
The Poster